Ultrasonic thickness gauging
Ultrasonic thickness gauging is used to detect internal defects in welds and base metal.

This is an accurate and inexpensive method of examining metal structures, which allows you to get an idea of the technical condition of the inspected object in a short time. Unlike other methods of examination, ultrasonic thickness gauging has many advantages:
- high accuracy - there is practically no error in the result;
- instantaneous results;
- detects hidden defects and minor deviations from the norm;
- it is suitable for checking products made of metallic and non-metallic materials;
- does not require access to the product's inner surface;
- high level of safety of the method;
- does not violate the integrity of the product;
- possibility of checking large areas of the pipeline.
The walls of pipelines and gas pipelines, various tanks and cylinders, fittings, pressure vessels, including structures of complex configuration are examined with ultrasonic thickness gauging.
Based on the results of the inspection you will receive a report describing the defects detected. To order the work please fill in the feedback form and our representative will contact you.
Order ultrasonic thickness gauging

Projekt „Metalli kvaliteedi kontrol ja diagnostika".
Projekti eesmärk oli põhivara soetamine ja innovaatilise teenuse pakkumine.
Toetuse summa on 15 000 eurot