Radiographic defectoscopy
Radiographic flaw detection is one of the methods of nondestructive testing and is used to detect internal defects in welds and base metal.

Radiographic control detects defects such as:
- non-fusions;
- gas pores;
- metal and slag inclusions;
The advantage of radiography is that the results are documented in the form of a radiographic film, as well as their clarity and the ability to determine dimensions, nature and location of the defects.
The main advantages of radiographic flaw detection are:
- visibility-allows you to save the result;
- High speed and accuracy of the measured readings;
- Suitable for examination even in places that are not accessible for visual inspection;
- allows you to evaluate the characteristics and the exact location of the defect;
- does not violate the integrity of the physical or chemical envelope of the product.
Based on the results of the inspection you will get a report describing the defects detected.
To order the work please fill in the feedback form and our a member of our staff will contact you.
Order radiographic defectoscopy

Projekt „Metalli kvaliteedi kontrol ja diagnostika".
Projekti eesmärk oli põhivara soetamine ja innovaatilise teenuse pakkumine.
Toetuse summa on 15 000 eurot